четвртак, новембар 29, 2007

WEBFEST & LOVORIKE: Krojac, Infostud, Gdestinacija!

NIS Petrol Webfest se frisko zavrsio - veceras u JDP-u. I to slavno: u kategoriji POSLOVNIH sajtova , u konkurenciji od 385 sajtova, nasla su se dva Krojaceva dela: SUVENIRI SRBIJE i POSLOVI.INFOSTUD.

Infostud je nominovan dva puta i to u zestokoj kategoriji INFORMATIVNIH sajtova (257!!), zajedno sa B92 i Naslovi.net, bravoo....!!

Ana i Svetislav Jovanovic, ako uzmemo u obzir da je u grupi poslovnih pobedila norveska korporacija TELENOR, a u grupi informativnih takodje nisu bila - 2 preduzetnika, dakle Krojaci su oficijelno najkreativniji :-)

Klikni za liste pobednika po odluci zirija i publike!!

I to nije sve...:-)

Uvek sam pazila sa kim druzim :cool:

среда, новембар 28, 2007

HR on Crossroads...http://LOADING….

Key tool for doing (any!) business is little, gray, and weights about 1,3 kg.
The key tool of todays business is wearing shoes and leaves office every day at 5 pm. Therefore, management and leadership are key stuff for achieving competitive advantage.

This is the way to outperform the competition - the way you attract, motivate and keep YOUR people is more important then any technology.

So what is this new world paradigm?
Well, you might have already guessed by now as the movement of HUMANAGEMENT moves on!

Where, WHEN?

...Earth, Europe, Serbia, Belgrade, Hyatt Regency:

HR Conference 07, 3-4th December

At the end of our successful business year the Association of HR professionals is offering You to widen your horizons and attend the first Serbian HR management Conference that will be led by eminent professionals from Serbia as well as from the region.

Join.... other senior management, business thinkers, human resource professional, compensation and benefits experts and management consultants to enhance your knowledge and share skills through a mix of plenary sessions and debates.

Don’t miss.... educational sessions, fantastic networking opportunities, fabulous prizes and a First-class venue for exposure to the newest HR Products, techniques and services.

Enjoy... the networking opportunities at the opening cocktail, lunches, as well as the Networking dinner on the first day.

Get inspired…Meet the HR experts who are re-inventing the way that HR is being used to improve businesses

Adapt…Understand the latest innovations in HR, what it will mean for you and how you need to prepare for this ever-changing business world of today

This is the opportunity for you to meet your peers, have your questions answered and make your views heard

Walk away with the information you need to create tangible benefits for your company and be more productive and profitable than your competitors. The program is created so that whatever challenges you face, you will find an opportunity to address them and make the best use of your time at the event.

The Association of HR Professionals ( http://www.hr-asocijacija.org.yu/ ) was established at the end of 2006 by a group of enthusiasts working in HR in order to get the professionals at one place. The aim is to exchange views as well as to develop this still young profession in Serbia.

уторак, новембар 27, 2007



Na kraju uspešne poslovne godine Asocijacija HR Profesionalaca nudi Vam da proširite horizonte i prisustvujete prvoj srpskoj HR Konferenciji, koja će biti vođena od strane eminentnih profesionalaca iz Srbije, kao i iz regiona.

HR konferencija '07 će se održati 3 - 4. decembra u Hyatt Regency Hotelu u Beogradu. Nemojte da propustite jedan od najekstenzivnijih rasporeda edukacionih predavanja, fantastičnih mogućnosti za networking, izvanredne nagrade, kao i upoznavanje sa najnovojim HR proizvodima, tehnikama i uslugama.

Pridružite nam se i proširite Vaše znanje, razmenite veštine kroz mešavinu plenarnih sednica i debata. Nemojte da propustite mogućnost neposrednog povezivanja na koktelu dobrodošlice, ručkovima, kao i na networking večeri na kraju prvog dana.

HR Konferencija'07 je namenjena svima onima koji se bave HR menadžmentom i poslovnom strategijom. Program je posebno napravljem za ljude koji su:

HR direktori
Rukovodioci kompezacija i beneficija
Rukovodioci obuke i razvoja
Specijalistima za zapošljavanje
Rukovodiocima zaštite i bezbednosti zdravlja na radu
Rukovodiocima i specijalistima za društveno odgovorno poslovanje

Prilika je da dobijete odgovore i na Vasa pitanja!

Za informacije, agendu i registraciju posetite HR PORTAL

понедељак, новембар 26, 2007

Komadić koji je nedostajao: suveniri Srbije

Konačno i među vama - na ulicama i po ćoškovima, između pečenog kestenja i vrućih kokica, u hotelima, hostelima, restoranima i knjižarama - Suvenirnice sa autentičnim motivima Vaše Srbije.

Ćapite svoj deo! Ne dajte da vas prevare!


Knjižara BULEVAR: Carice Milice 1 (Zeleni venac)
Hostel IN OLD SHOES, Brankova 18


Suveniri Srbije powered by Krojači

Krojač vam predstavlja portal www.SuveniriSrbije.com sa željom da originalni, autentični, unikatni, ručno rađeni suveniri iz svih krajeva Srbije, budu uspešno predstavljeni i plasirani u najvećoj srpskoj internet suvenirnici, i tako postanu dostupni širom sveta!

Kako bi se posetioci što bolje upoznali sa vrednostima Srbije, osim prodajnog dela, na portalu se nalaze i opisi regija, događaja, zdanja, ličnosti, znamenitosti, manifestacija, čak i recepata, koji su proslavili Srbiju.

Portal nudi:

Mogućnost online kupovine i naručivanja, dostava na adrese širom sveta.

Tu su i mesečne akcije, popusti, izbor najboljeg ukrasnog i najboljeg upotrebnog suvenira, nagrade za stalne kupce, posebni popusti za firme, godišnju dodelu Oznake kvaliteta za najbolje suvenire, i jedinstveni info-centar za proizvođače suvenira i one koji bi to da postanu.

Prenosim deo razgovora za vas, lutalice u blogosferi :-)

ANA JOVANOVIĆ, osnivač Suvenira Srbije, odgovara na pitanje: KAKO JE SVE POČELO?

- Najveće očekivanje svakog turiste prilikom putovanja na određenu destinaciju jeste – doživljaj! Ono što sledi jeste uspomena na taj doživljaj i želja da se on podeli sa prijateljima, bližnjima. To se čini pričom, fotografijama, filmovima i, možda najviše, donetim suvenirima.
Nažalost, često strani, ali i domaći turisti odlaze iz Srbije praznih ruku. Razlozi su mnogobrojni: ne postoji organizovana prodaja suvenira, skupoća, nedovoljan broj adekvatnih proizvoda u ponudi retkih suvenirnica.
SuveniriSrbije.com namenjeni su onima koji žele da uživaju u Srbiji i iz nje ponesu uspomenu na doživljaj, ujedno ne trošeći vreme na uzaludno traganje.

Takođe, obraćamo se i onima koji tek planiraju da posete našu zemlju, kako bi stekli sliku o svemu što bi mogli upoznati prilikom boravka u Srbiji. Ideja je da osvetlimo i materijalizujemo prave vrednosti, bisere Srbije.

Znate i sami kakva je situacija bila - gotovo da ne postoji osoba u našoj zemlji koja se barem jednom u životu nije upitala šta je to zapravo suvenir Srbije, po čemu smo posebni?
Poslednjih godina pitanje brenda Srbije je postalo opšte pitanje, pitanje kojem se pridaje važnost i kojim se bave razne institucije i stručnjaci.

Mi želimo da tom odgovoru priđemo bliže.

KAKO, kako :-) ?

Rečenica “Srbija nema dovoljno dobar imidž u svetu” česta je tokom prethodnih godina i decenija.
Moja Srbija, zemlja u kojoj sam izabrala da živim, je lepa, otvorena, moderna, osunčana zemlja. Ja je iskreno volim, volim našu tradiciju i folklor, duh, humor, lepotu i pamet. I želim da je i drugi tako dožive. Želim da i na ovaj način pokažemo koliko kulturno bogatstvo postoji u svakoj seoskoj kući, u svakom gradu, u nama samima.
Tada će rečenica sa početka odgovora postati netačna.

уторак, новембар 20, 2007

!! Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

...As far as I am concerned, this year was for me...oh, well, a little bit of Heaven and a little bit of Hell ;-)
Enjoy music that drives me since my visit to New York!

More info: www.mikasounds.com
(thats what makes me doing that silly hippity hoppity gallop when is snowing, like now in Belgrade :-)


Always yours,

(is missing flying over Atlantic ...)

четвртак, новембар 15, 2007

Pevanje VS. pucanje

Seca li se neko Tota Kotunja i pesmiculjka United Europe? Bese to neka davna Evrovizija osamdesetih. Pevao je ovaj Italijan sav zanesen, a Evropa mu se smejala, sta bre ujedinjeni...kakav crni euro...final countdown i sve u paketu...huh!

U medjuvremenu je i Papa snimio hip hop album o cemu su pisali dva celava svedska doktora nauka u bestseleru Funky Business, Nenad Chanak pevao My Way na TV Pink, Boris Tadic malo pre nego ce postati shef drzave slikao se za Playboy u bazenu, sve sa kapom da mu se ne okvasi kosa, takodje su neki poceli javno da pokazuju svoje tetovaze birackom i, verovatno, i ostalim telima, a tabu teme su defintivno dozivele sunovrat otkako su na optuzenicku klupu stavljeni novinari koji su se drznuli da uznemiravaju (IJU!) Ministrove OVCE (videti: sta su ovce)

Sta u medjuvremenu radi Jevropa?

Ministri inostranih poslova Francuske i Nemacke, Bernard Kouchner i Frank-Walter Steinmeier, u ime prevazilazenja netrpeljivosti i negovanja dobrosusedskih odnosa, otpevali su pesmiculjak sa refrenom DEUTSCHLAND.
Naravno, imali su pomoc profesionalnih muzicara, i to turskog porekla - koji zive u Nemackoj.
Sve radi kulturnih integracija :-)

.... & laku noc,
odoh ja da spavam sa svojim e-ovcama :-)

петак, новембар 09, 2007

Q & A : Miss Cybernaut

One of these rainy days when I was surfing XING forums searching for inspiration, I received question which made me think how Miss Cybernaut became: Miss Cybernaut. Here is my two cents about funny name I have - I decided to call myself Cybernaut at the very first moment of thinking about blogging.
I had that idea in my mind for years...because of some musicians here in Belgrade that made name for themselves in simmilar way, they were SUPERNAUT.

Once I met leader of the band SUPERNAUT in a kind of "the worst toilet in Scotland" (if you saw TRAINSPOTTING movie, then you know what kind of toilet is that, and lol ) and we exchanged ...well, lets say - few polite sentences.
Conversation went like this:

I said to Supernaut curley-hair-orange-man: "oh, I know you from somewhere...oh, yep, you are SUPERNAUT. Arent you?"

Then he said something that was cachy at a glance, word playing sentence "Supernaut, SuperStar...super..What??"

(...do I have to mention clubbing in 90s was so....whatsoever more exciting then now? And much more underground also :)

Years went by, I grown up meanwhile and connected to few forums and web sites for social networking, at the beginig mostly for business purposes (I was reporting on dating web sites in 2003 year, with DOs and DONTs for our female readers :) Indeed, I had to join one platform and to see and feel what that people see and feel in order to write about it correctly. It was my first little serial of articles, in July 2003 ;) ...but hey, I surfed different platforms also for leisure and information flow I needed as a journalist (I still do..its infectious, especially if your job position demands to keep in touch with everything new and outstanding :)

So, few years after that... hmm...a bit of karma-coma meeting in Cinema Rex toilet I figured I can compose word CYBERNAUT and stay meaningfull. Subconciously, just did it.

Its even in the Urban Dictionary:define your world you can find it on web, try it :)

As for T. Leary, I just googled it and pasted it in About me section on XING platform, seemed appropriate, especiallymentioning Nikola Tesla who is Serbian One just like me....

As for Miss...lol

Please, dont ask me why this mutant-blog is sooo mutant. Serglish (Serbian mixed with English) simply does the job!

I am very looking forward to hear stories from Serbian and EU bloggers on BlogOpen, Balkan Blog Festival that is about to start!!

четвртак, новембар 01, 2007

Generation X tips: Motivate your staff

or: if its not fun, why should we do it?! :)
Current mood: creative
Jobs, Work, Careers
Tune included: Usher ft. Dj Kujja

People learn in a variety of ways, but regardless of the method, the first condition of learning is that the person must be motivated to learn. The learner must feel the need to learn what is being taught.
Most staff is not motivated to do a good job and want to be able to perform their tasks correctly. Their motivation is being able to perform their job to standards in return for money, other benefits, challenges and job satisfaction.
Why not include some fun into it?!

Here is why you should embrace new techologies into everyday practice....
Speaking of job and hard work, correct me if I am wrong, but I dont get it / why should anyone do something which is not amusing even from time to time?

Geek guerilla I was run into (spekaing of PC press magazine redaction) is perhaps one of theh best thing happen recently in my RL (Real Life).
This is part of a mouse-session....of course, mouses are important for the neXt shopping fever maraton that is about to come... I am just a background, a lovely wallpaper-like item, and I am happy :)

Huh...looks better then in Playboy, hm? lol

Lets go geeky!

SAITEK mouses & Miss Cybernaut. Gal deals with them, and wins. Lives happily ever after, hooray!
Does a descent gal need more?? Its a pink, its cheerful, its nice. All over me - mouses - massive action! More info available in PC press magazine for November 2007 ;)