среда, јун 27, 2007
Untold tale: mastery
The masters in the art of living make little distinction between their work and their play, their labor and their leisure, their minds and their bodies, their information, their recreation, their love and their religion. They hardly know which is which, they simply pursue their vision of excellence at whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing.
- James Albert Michener (1907 - 1997)
понедељак, јун 25, 2007
Chopper-tailored skyline
New York is full of vibrant locations, shopping malls, museums and indeed clubs & restaurants, and therefore whoever comes must be aware of great flow of endorfin.
That flow is mostly generated from two most popular arguments NY city owns in its stellar portfolio: so tipical and worldwide known NYC wievs that energizes all senses, and beautiful magical shopping on Manhattan!
Some of city guides are warning about something called EATING DISSORDER. This appears because of perfect NYC mix of cuisine styles, and because of XXX Large portions US citizens are, not surprisingly, used to. Not to mention mastery in stylish advertising : names of food and rest stuff you can order are tickling imagination! You actually dont know what to order, because you want to try everything. Well, nearly everything. I am pretty sure that sea crap would taste better if no one told me it is NOT a vegetable :)
Snapshot is, heh, not so surprisingly, about me: a little upside-down bunny. Nja!
Thats because I am in chopper flying over Hudson. It was nice to see where Hudson joins Atlantic...wuuh, sexy!! :)
Њујорк је град пун вибрантних локација, шопинг молова, музеја и ресторана, и онај ко тамо оде мора да рачуна на навалу ендорфина из два најпознатија разлога: њујоршки, а у стватри светски познати призори, и феноменални шопинг на Менхетну! Неки градски водичи упозоравају да се овде, услед испреплетаних кулинарских стилова и обилних порција перфектно срочених имена, може добити и поремећај у исхрани – све вам се једе!
a...Ево ја сам овде мало наопачке :-) У хеликоптеру иѕнад реке Хадсон (лепо се видело ушће у Атлантик, уууух....ох со секси!!:)
Posadu su cinili:
Dejan Restak, www.b92.net
Aleksandra Mikata www.novosti.co.yu
Jelena Obradovic www.actionprgroup.com
Zivojin Petrovic www.zika.biz
....i naravno,Jelena Jovanovic, www.politika.co.yu !!
(this was mine chopper/media crew ;)
субота, јун 23, 2007
Hype Life
(snapshot by Zivojin Petrovic www.zika.biz :-)
E pa stigao mi je kUfer danas :-)
Sto se dnevne inspiracije tice, mislim da cu da ostavim malo adrenalin rush po strani, maWom zeksu je zasad dosta uzbudjenja :-)
Web je vazda bio dobar izvor vrlo bezbedne inspiracije. Trina Roach (Creating Tomorrow: The Leadership Consultancy) na svom blogu linkovanom ispod dala je niz saveta kako sve tacno, o divote, moze da se pojednostavi taj jedan zivot na raspolaganju sto je.
Start the day right. Save all that frantic wasted time used in the morning to prepare for the day. Spend the night before preparing for the next day.
Declutter your space. It takes energy to keep possessions in working order or dusted. Get rid of the stuff that’s broken or missing a part.
Learn to say “no.” Don’t overload your schedule with more tasks, more jobs, more volunteer time. It’s OK to say no.
Turn off the TV. We waste too much time sitting in front of the TV. Curb how many hours the TV is on. And before you pick up the remote control, ask yourself if there are activities to share with the family, or entertainment, like a museum visit or play, that you’ve been putting off.
Commit to number one. When the demands of work, parenthood, or household chores get you down, it’s time to schedule a date with yourself. Whether it’s every Sunday night or 20 minutes each morning, the important thing is to make a plan and stick to it.
Find a sanctuary. Escape to a place to enjoy peaceful solitude.
Be spontaneous. Spontaneity is key to feeling like you’re in control of your own destiny. Every once in a while, a change in routine can spark your spirits and your energy.
Live beneath your means. Did you know that 80% of America’s self-made millionaires are frugal? If you want to achieve economic independence, try buying only what you can afford, not what you think you need. See how long you can go without cashing a check, charging on credit, or buying anything. You’ll be amazed how ingenious and inventive you can be.
Rewrite the course of your day. When the newspaper’s horoscope doesn’t tell you what you want to hear, write your own, using words that make you feel great. Or start jotting down phrases you like on slips of paper, put them in a box, and pick as many as you need to start the day.
Listen to your body. You know what your biological clock prefers. Indulge it and watch your productivity grow.
indeed! Vise na Trininom blogu: creating-tomorrow
Xing je nepresusan izvor inspiracije! Probajte XING Open Business Club
E pa stigao mi je kUfer danas :-)
Sto se dnevne inspiracije tice, mislim da cu da ostavim malo adrenalin rush po strani, maWom zeksu je zasad dosta uzbudjenja :-)
Web je vazda bio dobar izvor vrlo bezbedne inspiracije. Trina Roach (Creating Tomorrow: The Leadership Consultancy) na svom blogu linkovanom ispod dala je niz saveta kako sve tacno, o divote, moze da se pojednostavi taj jedan zivot na raspolaganju sto je.
Start the day right. Save all that frantic wasted time used in the morning to prepare for the day. Spend the night before preparing for the next day.
Declutter your space. It takes energy to keep possessions in working order or dusted. Get rid of the stuff that’s broken or missing a part.
Learn to say “no.” Don’t overload your schedule with more tasks, more jobs, more volunteer time. It’s OK to say no.
Turn off the TV. We waste too much time sitting in front of the TV. Curb how many hours the TV is on. And before you pick up the remote control, ask yourself if there are activities to share with the family, or entertainment, like a museum visit or play, that you’ve been putting off.
Commit to number one. When the demands of work, parenthood, or household chores get you down, it’s time to schedule a date with yourself. Whether it’s every Sunday night or 20 minutes each morning, the important thing is to make a plan and stick to it.
Find a sanctuary. Escape to a place to enjoy peaceful solitude.
Be spontaneous. Spontaneity is key to feeling like you’re in control of your own destiny. Every once in a while, a change in routine can spark your spirits and your energy.
Live beneath your means. Did you know that 80% of America’s self-made millionaires are frugal? If you want to achieve economic independence, try buying only what you can afford, not what you think you need. See how long you can go without cashing a check, charging on credit, or buying anything. You’ll be amazed how ingenious and inventive you can be.
Rewrite the course of your day. When the newspaper’s horoscope doesn’t tell you what you want to hear, write your own, using words that make you feel great. Or start jotting down phrases you like on slips of paper, put them in a box, and pick as many as you need to start the day.
Listen to your body. You know what your biological clock prefers. Indulge it and watch your productivity grow.
indeed! Vise na Trininom blogu: creating-tomorrow
Xing je nepresusan izvor inspiracije! Probajte XING Open Business Club
среда, јун 20, 2007
Naughty bunny
He...eto to je taj moj maWi zeka.
Uplasio se, a bez razloga - mechovali su na Heatrow moje stvari, i koliko sutra-prekosutra ima da stigne ovaj maWi zeka (iz limitirane kolekcije Womans secret, jabba svi racionalni argumenti, ja ga volEm jako!!).
Najavljeno, cekam potvrdu i dostavu. A onda kad se popnem na XXX stikle i krenem da zaustavljam saobracaj, hii.... :-)))
Nije shala, NYC je isti kao na filmu, sve je lepo i grandiozno i ushmirano. Ali ne nose bas svi stikle, bar ne van Wall Street-a. Stikle su ono sto Njujorcane cini da prestanu da gledaju tamo negde u daljinu po navici pazeci da im se ni sa kim ne sretne pogled :-)
Jos jedna dobra stvar i mimo XXX stikli je sto kad hoce da ti kazu da si lepa, prosto to i urade, no big deal, kaze gledam te od coska i 'ocu da ti kazem. I eto.
A pri tom ne smaraju, nece da te muvaju, nece nista - hoce samo da kazu, onako sa pristojnih 1,5 metra udaljenosti.
Uh, bjutiful crnci. A i nedostajace mi ta mesavina rasa, arhitektonskih stilova, i mirisa tako tipicnih za US...
I onaj CNN, ali 'ajde to bar mogu jutrom da gledam – bio je pojavio na Menhetnu pipach zena na spavanju, to je bila udarna prica u jutarnjim vestima.
Slucajno ili ne, sve to bas one noci kad je jedan muski clan nase ekipe nedostajao iz hotela.
Voli vas Miss!
понедељак, јун 18, 2007
Manhattan - Belgrade buzz
Jedan juznoamericki naucnik je nakon dugotrajnih i komplikovanih istrazivanja utvrdio, da osobe sa smanjenom seksualnom aktivnoscu citaju blogove sa rukom na misu.
Ne moras sada sklanjati ruku, kasno je... ;-)
Ma tu sam.
Stigla – ziva & zdrava.
Jos samo kufer da mi stigne sa Heatrow-a... Uh, na svo uzbudjenje oko NYC, jos i to...a kupila sam neke stvarice iz kolekcije Sara Jessica Parker, BITTEN...yuy jedva cekam, ziva nisam! Still having jet–lag...
Nije nimalo lako, mada je cela ekipa u fazonu well, shit happens and stuff...
Za mene (iako nisam veliki potrosac) moj kofer je – moj identitet. I to novac ne moze da nadoknadi - tamo je npr. poslednji mali beli zeka neseser iz Womans Secret, u koferu, kao i sasvim nezamenljive Bata XXX high heels, i moje omiljene (i oprane!) skechers retros patike...i sve ono sto sam kupila, sitnice iz srca Menhetna (neverovatno, ali cene su tamo jako niske)
Sve je marketing, hteli mi to ili ne, i veoma je vazno kako izgledamo i sta nosimo, jer to utice osim na to kako nas drugi opazaju, i na ono unutrasnje osecanje sebe. Jer, da nije tako, zasto bi se iko cimao oko odece, svi bi nosili palmino lisce oko struka i dovidjenja!
Ah...sta je leto (makar i kontinentalno) bez letnjih haljina?!
Cekam, grickam nokte, i uzdam se u srecnu zvezdu i BA. I support team sa JAT–ovog aerodroma. ...Jeste, zvuci malo razmazeno kad se cita, ali uopste nije lako hendlovati taj stres. Na svu srecu, moj kuFer ima oznaku prioriteta.
Many thanks to British Airways BA: Club World na potpuno neocekivanim dozivljajima i udobnom letu!
BA dzet je kao porshe, startuje za 1 min, zzzzzzzzk i eto nas airborne, aaa....fenomenalno! Nista turbulencije i cuda, ma kakvi...a na ulasku sampanjac :-)
Da ne pricam kako je chekiranje jednostavno i kratko (onlajn, od kuce ili kancelarije, na www.ba.com i odstampas lepo sebi na svom rodjenom stampacu e–Ticket, kao i na samom aerodromu gde ima self-service check in kiosk), i sve sa fast tracks i ocas posla ostavis torbe...milina jedna – bez redova i cekanja, ima li sta lepse!
So..citacete u novinicama sve...sve smo probali, i helikopter, i jahtu, i svrckanje tuda - svuda po Menhetnu, i stejk u stejkhausu :-)
Posebno hvala Natali Brodnik / BA i Jeleni Obradovic / Action Group, indeed - ucinile su da se moj san o NYC - ostvari!
Evo gde smo bilo smesteni, u srcu Menhetna, NYC East side (Rose Hill) s pogledom na Empire State Building: my Manhattan room with a wiev
Evo malo statistike za vreme dok sam bila odsutna sa weba i iz Srbije...hm... vrlo je zanimljiva lista zemalja iz koje su neki sajbernauti sletali na moga bloga u zadnjih 7 dana!
Evo je.
1. Srbija (serbia), Belgrade, Serbia And Montenegro, 134 returning visits
2. Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia And Montenegro
3. Switzerland, Sunrise-adsl, Cablecom
4. New Jersey, Mt. Laurel, United States, Comcast Cable Communications Inc
5. New York, New York, United States, Road Runner Holdco Llc, Uninet
6. Portugal, Ipglobal
7. Poland, Tpsa
8. Cataluña, Barcelona, Spain, Telefonica De Espana
9. Jonkoping, Bankeryd, Sweden, Telia Network Services
10. Yucatan, Mérida, Mexico, Uninet S.a. De C.v
11. Provence-alpes-cote D'azur, Marseille, France,
12. California, San Francisco, United States, Masonryclub
13. California, San Jose, United States
14. Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
15. Baden-wurttemberg, Mannheim, Germany
16. Kujawsko-pomorskie, Bydgoszcz, Poland
17. Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates....
...ih, opasno mi se svidja ova lista :-)
mah, mah, mah...:)
понедељак, јун 11, 2007
Privacy report: US, FAQ
Najcesca pitanja i odgovori: Miss Cybernaut & US journey
evo gaC...
1. Da, vracam se!
2. Ne, necu JA voziti avion :-)
3. Razlog: inovacije BA World Business klasa
4. Hajde de...evo, obecavam da necu ici sama nocu po Bronxu. Jel sad ok :-))
1. Correct, I am coming back!
2. Nope, I will not drive that plain :-)
3. Reason: innovations in BA World Bussines class
4. Okay...so, I promise I'll not take a walk by night in Bronx. Is it OK now :-))
Have a nice time, too!!
Yours trully,
недеља, јун 10, 2007
New York City Freestyle Fewer!! Aaaa...!!
O, da...Spremam se, kao.
Pfi, stici cu valjda se se spakujem?!
Aha, pa da, sad sam se setila da imam srece sto sam dovoljno lenja (i dovoljno racionalna!) da imam u svescici (onoj ljubicastoj, nesvakodnevnoj) lepo upisan evergreen spisak stvari za pakovanje, manji i veci, inostrani i domaci, pisak za more, spisak za zimu, spisak za vikend van grada, plus antrfile sta u svako doba treba (punjac, pinceta itd :-)
Spisak jedan za sve, posluzice!!
Moracu da smislim nesto tricky za to krstarenje i formalnu veceru sa nasom malom fast thinking British Airways crew.
Mmmm...shuttle, pa helicopter, pa yacht, pa executive club :-) To su nam spremili u BA Hollidays!
...Indeed...jumping around, jumping around!!
Whee, Manhattan, here I come!!
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