понедељак, јун 25, 2007

Chopper-tailored skyline

New York is full of vibrant locations, shopping malls, museums and indeed clubs & restaurants, and therefore whoever comes must be aware of great flow of endorfin.
That flow is mostly generated from two most popular arguments NY city owns in its stellar portfolio: so tipical and worldwide known NYC wievs that energizes all senses, and beautiful magical shopping on Manhattan!

Some of city guides are warning about something called EATING DISSORDER. This appears because of perfect NYC mix of cuisine styles, and because of XXX Large portions US citizens are, not surprisingly, used to. Not to mention mastery in stylish advertising : names of food and rest stuff you can order are tickling imagination! You actually dont know what to order, because you want to try everything. Well, nearly everything. I am pretty sure that sea crap would taste better if no one told me it is NOT a vegetable :)

Snapshot is, heh, not so surprisingly, about me: a little upside-down bunny. Nja!
Thats because I am in chopper flying over Hudson. It was nice to see where Hudson joins Atlantic...wuuh, sexy!! :)


Њујорк је град пун вибрантних локација, шопинг молова, музеја и ресторана, и онај ко тамо оде мора да рачуна на навалу ендорфина из два најпознатија разлога: њујоршки, а у стватри светски познати призори, и феноменални шопинг на Менхетну! Неки градски водичи упозоравају да се овде, услед испреплетаних кулинарских стилова и обилних порција перфектно срочених имена, може добити и поремећај у исхрани – све вам се једе!

a...Ево ја сам овде мало наопачке :-) У хеликоптеру иѕнад реке Хадсон (лепо се видело ушће у Атлантик, уууух....ох со секси!!:)

Posadu su cinili:

Dejan Restak, www.b92.net
Aleksandra Mikata www.novosti.co.yu
Jelena Obradovic www.actionprgroup.com
Zivojin Petrovic www.zika.biz

....i naravno,Jelena Jovanovic, www.politika.co.yu !!

(this was mine chopper/media crew ;)

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