понедељак, јун 11, 2007

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Najcesca pitanja i odgovori: Miss Cybernaut & US journey

evo gaC...

1. Da, vracam se!

2. Ne, necu JA voziti avion :-)

3. Razlog: inovacije BA World Business klasa

4. Hajde de...evo, obecavam da necu ici sama nocu po Bronxu. Jel sad ok :-))


1. Correct, I am coming back!

2. Nope, I will not drive that plain :-)

3. Reason: innovations in BA World Bussines class

4. Okay...so, I promise I'll not take a walk by night in Bronx. Is it OK now :-))

Have a nice time, too!!

Yours trully,

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